1, ':D' => 1, ':cool:' => 2, ';cool;' => 2, ':ekk:' => 3, ';ekk;' => 3, ';o' => 4, ';O' => 4, ':o' => 4, ':O' => 4, ':(' => 5, ';(' => 5, ':mad:' => 6, ';mad;' => 6, ';rolleyes;' => 7, ':rolleyes:' => 7, ':)' => 8, ';d' => 9, ':d' => 9, ';)' => 10);
if($smile == 1)
return $text;
foreach($smileys as $search => $replace)
$text = str_replace($search, '', $text);
return $text;
function replaceAll($text, $smile)
$rows = 0;
while(stripos($text, '[code]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/code]') !== false )
$code = substr($text, stripos($text, '[code]')+6, stripos($text, '[/code]') - stripos($text, '[code]') - 6);
if(!is_int($rows / 2)) { $bgcolor = 'ABED25'; } else { $bgcolor = '23ED25'; } $rows++;
$text = str_ireplace('[code]'.$code.'[/code]', 'Code:
', $text);
$rows = 0;
while(stripos($text, '[quote]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/quote]') !== false )
$quote = substr($text, stripos($text, '[quote]')+7, stripos($text, '[/quote]') - stripos($text, '[quote]') - 7);
if(!is_int($rows / 2)) { $bgcolor = 'AAAAAA'; } else { $bgcolor = 'CCCCCC'; } $rows++;
$text = str_ireplace('[quote]'.$quote.'[/quote]', '', $text);
$rows = 0;
while(stripos($text, '[url]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/url]') !== false )
$url = substr($text, stripos($text, '[url]')+5, stripos($text, '[/url]') - stripos($text, '[url]') - 5);
$text = str_ireplace('[url]'.$url.'[/url]', ''.$url.'', $text);
while(stripos($text, '[player]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/player]') !== false )
$player = substr($text, stripos($text, '[player]')+8, stripos($text, '[/player]') - stripos($text, '[player]') - 8);
$text = str_ireplace('[player]'.$player.'[/player]', ''.$player.'', $text);
while(stripos($text, '[img]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/img]') !== false )
$img = substr($text, stripos($text, '[img]')+5, stripos($text, '[/img]') - stripos($text, '[img]') - 5);
$text = str_ireplace('[img]'.$img.'[/img]', '', $text);
while(stripos($text, '[b]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/b]') !== false )
$b = substr($text, stripos($text, '[b]')+3, stripos($text, '[/b]') - stripos($text, '[b]') - 3);
$text = str_ireplace('[b]'.$b.'[/b]', ''.$b.'', $text);
while(stripos($text, '[i]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/i]') !== false )
$i = substr($text, stripos($text, '[i]')+3, stripos($text, '[/i]') - stripos($text, '[i]') - 3);
$text = str_ireplace('[i]'.$i.'[/i]', ''.$i.'', $text);
while(stripos($text, '[u]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/u]') !== false )
$u = substr($text, stripos($text, '[u]')+3, stripos($text, '[/u]') - stripos($text, '[u]') - 3);
$text = str_ireplace('[u]'.$u.'[/u]', ''.$u.'', $text);
return replaceSmile($text, $smile);
function showPost($topic, $text, $smile)
$text = nl2br($text);
$post = '';
$post .= ''.replaceSmile($topic, $smile).'';
$post .= replaceAll($text, $smile);
return $post;
$last_threads = $SQL->query('SELECT ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('post_text') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('post_topic') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('post_smile') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('replies') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . ' FROM ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . ' WHERE ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . ' AND ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('section') . ' = 1 AND ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . ' = ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ' ORDER BY ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('last_post') . ' DESC LIMIT ' . $config['site']['news_limit'])->fetchAll();
$main_content .= '';
$main_content .= 'No news. Go forum and make new thread on board News.