//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpenTibia - an opensource roleplaying game //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "otpch.h" #include "creature.h" #include "player.h" #include "npc.h" #include "monster.h" #include "condition.h" #include "combat.h" #include "container.h" #if defined __EXCEPTION_TRACER__ #include "exception.h" #endif #include "configmanager.h" #include "game.h" boost::recursive_mutex AutoId::lock; uint32_t AutoId::count = 1000; AutoId::List AutoId::list; extern Game g_game; extern ConfigManager g_config; extern CreatureEvents* g_creatureEvents; Creature::Creature() { id = 0; _tile = NULL; direction = SOUTH; master = NULL; lootDrop = LOOT_DROP_FULL; skillLoss = true; hideName = hideHealth = cannotMove = false; speakType = SPEAK_CLASS_NONE; skull = SKULL_NONE; partyShield = SHIELD_NONE; guildEmblem = EMBLEM_NONE; health = 1000; healthMax = 1000; mana = 0; manaMax = 0; lastStep = 0; lastStepCost = 1; baseSpeed = 220; varSpeed = 0; masterRadius = -1; masterPosition = Position(); followCreature = NULL; hasFollowPath = false; removed = false; eventWalk = 0; forceUpdateFollowPath = false; isMapLoaded = false; isUpdatingPath = false; checked = false; memset(localMapCache, false, sizeof(localMapCache)); attackedCreature = NULL; lastHitCreature = 0; lastDamageSource = COMBAT_NONE; blockCount = 0; blockTicks = 0; walkUpdateTicks = 0; checkVector = -1; scriptEventsBitField = 0; onIdleStatus(); } Creature::~Creature() { attackedCreature = NULL; removeConditions(CONDITIONEND_CLEANUP, false); for(std::list::iterator cit = summons.begin(); cit != summons.end(); ++cit) { (*cit)->setAttackedCreature(NULL); (*cit)->setMaster(NULL); (*cit)->unRef(); } summons.clear(); conditions.clear(); eventsList.clear(); } bool Creature::canSee(const Position& myPos, const Position& pos, uint32_t viewRangeX, uint32_t viewRangeY) { if(myPos.z <= 7) { //we are on ground level or above (7 -> 0) //view is from 7 -> 0 //std::cout << "Creature::canSee posz 1 :" << pos.z << std::endl; if(pos.z > 7) { //std::cout << "Creature::canSee posz 2 :" << pos.z << std::endl; return false; } } else if(myPos.z >= 8) { //we are underground (8 -> 15) //view is +/- 2 from the floor we stand on //std::cout << "Creature::canSee abs:" << std::abs(myPos.z - pos.z) << std::endl; if(std::abs(myPos.z - pos.z) > 2) { //std::cout << "Creature::canSee abs:" << std::abs(myPos.z - pos.z) << std::endl; return false; } } int32_t offsetz = myPos.z - pos.z; /* std::cout << "Creature::canSee 1:" << (uint32_t)pos.x << " >= " << myPos.x - viewRangeX + offsetz << std::endl; std::cout << "Creature::canSee 2:" << (uint32_t)pos.x << " <= " << myPos.x + viewRangeX + offsetz << std::endl; std::cout << "Creature::canSee 3:" << (uint32_t)pos.y << " >= " << myPos.y - viewRangeY + offsetz << std::endl; std::cout << "Creature::canSee 4:" << (uint32_t)pos.y << " <= " << myPos.y + viewRangeY + offsetz << std::endl; */ return (((uint32_t)pos.x >= myPos.x - viewRangeX + offsetz) && ((uint32_t)pos.x <= myPos.x + viewRangeX + offsetz) && ((uint32_t)pos.y >= myPos.y - viewRangeY + offsetz) && ((uint32_t)pos.y <= myPos.y + viewRangeY + offsetz)); } bool Creature::canSee(const Position& pos) const { return canSee(getPosition(), pos, Map::maxViewportX, Map::maxViewportY); } bool Creature::canSeeCreature(const Creature* creature) const { return creature == this || (!creature->isGhost() && (!creature->isInvisible() || canSeeInvisibility())); } int64_t Creature::getTimeSinceLastMove() const { if(lastStep) return OTSYS_TIME() - lastStep; return 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL; } int32_t Creature::getWalkDelay(Direction dir) const { if(lastStep) return getStepDuration(dir) - (OTSYS_TIME() - lastStep); return 0; } int32_t Creature::getWalkDelay() const { if(lastStep) return getStepDuration() - (OTSYS_TIME() - lastStep); return 0; } void Creature::onThink(uint32_t interval) { if(!isMapLoaded && useCacheMap()) { isMapLoaded = true; updateMapCache(); } if(followCreature && master != followCreature && !canSeeCreature(followCreature)) internalCreatureDisappear(followCreature, false); if(attackedCreature && master != attackedCreature && !canSeeCreature(attackedCreature)) internalCreatureDisappear(attackedCreature, false); blockTicks += interval; if(blockTicks >= 1000) { blockCount = std::min((uint32_t)blockCount + 1, (uint32_t)2); blockTicks = 0; } if(followCreature) { walkUpdateTicks += interval; if(forceUpdateFollowPath || walkUpdateTicks >= 1000) { walkUpdateTicks = 0; forceUpdateFollowPath = false; isUpdatingPath = true; } } if(isUpdatingPath) { isUpdatingPath = false; getPathToFollowCreature(); } onAttacking(interval); executeConditions(interval); CreatureEventList thinkEvents = getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_THINK); for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = thinkEvents.begin(); it != thinkEvents.end(); ++it) (*it)->executeThink(this, interval); } void Creature::onAttacking(uint32_t interval) { if(!attackedCreature) return; onAttacked(); attackedCreature->onAttacked(); if(g_game.isSightClear(getPosition(), attackedCreature->getPosition(), true)) doAttacking(interval); } void Creature::onWalk() { if(getWalkDelay() <= 0) { Direction dir; uint32_t flags = FLAG_IGNOREFIELDDAMAGE; if(getNextStep(dir, flags) && g_game.internalMoveCreature(this, dir, flags) != RET_NOERROR) forceUpdateFollowPath = true; } if(listWalkDir.empty()) onWalkComplete(); if(eventWalk) { eventWalk = 0; addEventWalk(); } } void Creature::onWalk(Direction& dir) { if(!hasCondition(CONDITION_DRUNK)) return; uint32_t r = random_range(0, 16); if(r > 4) return; switch(r) { case 0: dir = NORTH; break; case 1: dir = WEST; break; case 3: dir = SOUTH; break; case 4: dir = EAST; break; } g_game.internalCreatureSay(this, SPEAK_MONSTER_SAY, "Hicks!", isGhost()); } bool Creature::getNextStep(Direction& dir, uint32_t& flags) { if(listWalkDir.empty()) return false; dir = listWalkDir.front(); listWalkDir.pop_front(); onWalk(dir); return true; } bool Creature::startAutoWalk(std::list& listDir) { if(getPlayer() && getPlayer()->getNoMove()) { getPlayer()->sendCancelWalk(); return false; } listWalkDir = listDir; addEventWalk(); return true; } void Creature::addEventWalk() { if(eventWalk) return; int64_t ticks = getEventStepTicks(); if(ticks > 0) eventWalk = Scheduler::getInstance().addEvent(createSchedulerTask(ticks, boost::bind(&Game::checkCreatureWalk, &g_game, getID()))); } void Creature::stopEventWalk() { if(!eventWalk) return; Scheduler::getInstance().stopEvent(eventWalk); eventWalk = 0; if(!listWalkDir.empty()) { listWalkDir.clear(); onWalkAborted(); } } void Creature::internalCreatureDisappear(const Creature* creature, bool isLogout) { if(attackedCreature == creature) { setAttackedCreature(NULL); onAttackedCreatureDisappear(isLogout); } if(followCreature == creature) { setFollowCreature(NULL); onFollowCreatureDisappear(isLogout); } } void Creature::updateMapCache() { const Position& myPos = getPosition(); Position pos(0, 0, myPos.z); Tile* tile = NULL; for(int32_t y = -((mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2); y <= ((mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2); ++y) { for(int32_t x = -((mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2); x <= ((mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2); ++x) { pos.x = myPos.x + x; pos.y = myPos.y + y; if((tile = g_game.getTile(pos.x, pos.y, myPos.z))) updateTileCache(tile, pos); } } } #ifdef __DEBUG__ void Creature::validateMapCache() { const Position& myPos = getPosition(); for(int32_t y = -((mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2); y <= ((mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2); ++y) { for(int32_t x = -((mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2); x <= ((mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2); ++x) getWalkCache(Position(myPos.x + x, myPos.y + y, myPos.z)); } } #endif void Creature::updateTileCache(const Tile* tile, int32_t dx, int32_t dy) { if((std::abs(dx) <= (mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2) && (std::abs(dy) <= (mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2)) { int32_t x = (mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2 + dx, y = (mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2 + dy; localMapCache[y][x] = (tile && tile->__queryAdd(0, this, 1, FLAG_PATHFINDING | FLAG_IGNOREFIELDDAMAGE) == RET_NOERROR); } #ifdef __DEBUG__ else std::cout << "Creature::updateTileCache out of range." << std::endl; #endif } void Creature::updateTileCache(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos) { const Position& myPos = getPosition(); if(pos.z == myPos.z) updateTileCache(tile, pos.x - myPos.x, pos.y - myPos.y); } int32_t Creature::getWalkCache(const Position& pos) const { if(!useCacheMap()) return 2; const Position& myPos = getPosition(); if(myPos.z != pos.z) return 0; if(pos == myPos) return 1; int32_t dx = pos.x - myPos.x, dy = pos.y - myPos.y; if((std::abs(dx) <= (mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2) && (std::abs(dy) <= (mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2)) { int32_t x = (mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2 + dx, y = (mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2 + dy; #ifdef __DEBUG__ //testing Tile* tile = g_game.getTile(pos); if(tile && (tile->__queryAdd(0, this, 1, FLAG_PATHFINDING | FLAG_IGNOREFIELDDAMAGE) == RET_NOERROR)) { if(!localMapCache[y][x]) std::cout << "Wrong cache value" << std::endl; } else if(localMapCache[y][x]) std::cout << "Wrong cache value" << std::endl; #endif if(localMapCache[y][x]) return 1; return 0; } //out of range return 2; } void Creature::onAddTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, const Item* item) { if(isMapLoaded && pos.z == getPosition().z) updateTileCache(tile, pos); } void Creature::onUpdateTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, const Item* oldItem, const ItemType& oldType, const Item* newItem, const ItemType& newType) { if(isMapLoaded && (oldType.blockSolid || oldType.blockPathFind || newType.blockPathFind || newType.blockSolid) && pos.z == getPosition().z) updateTileCache(tile, pos); } void Creature::onRemoveTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, const ItemType& iType, const Item* item) { if(isMapLoaded && (iType.blockSolid || iType.blockPathFind || iType.isGroundTile()) && pos.z == getPosition().z) updateTileCache(tile, pos); } void Creature::onCreatureAppear(const Creature* creature) { if(creature == this) { if(useCacheMap()) { isMapLoaded = true; updateMapCache(); } } else if(isMapLoaded && creature->getPosition().z == getPosition().z) { updateTileCache(creature->getTile(), creature->getPosition()); CreatureEventList disappearEvents = getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_APPEAR); for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = disappearEvents.begin(); it != disappearEvents.end(); ++it) (*it)->executeDisappear(this, creature); } } void Creature::onCreatureDisappear(const Creature* creature, bool isLogout) { internalCreatureDisappear(creature, true); if(creature != this && isMapLoaded && creature->getPosition().z == getPosition().z) { updateTileCache(creature->getTile(), creature->getPosition()); CreatureEventList disappearEvents = getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_DISAPPEAR); for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = disappearEvents.begin(); it != disappearEvents.end(); ++it) (*it)->executeDisappear(this, creature); } } void Creature::onRemovedCreature() { setRemoved(); removeList(); if(master && !master->isRemoved()) master->removeSummon(this); } void Creature::onChangeZone(ZoneType_t zone) { if(attackedCreature && zone == ZONE_PROTECTION) internalCreatureDisappear(attackedCreature, false); } void Creature::onAttackedCreatureChangeZone(ZoneType_t zone) { if(zone == ZONE_PROTECTION) internalCreatureDisappear(attackedCreature, false); } void Creature::onCreatureMove(const Creature* creature, const Tile* newTile, const Position& newPos, const Tile* oldTile, const Position& oldPos, bool teleport) { if(creature == this) { lastStep = OTSYS_TIME(); lastStepCost = 1; setLastPosition(oldPos); if(!teleport) { if(oldPos.z != newPos.z || (std::abs(newPos.x - oldPos.x) >= 1 && std::abs(newPos.y - oldPos.y) >= 1)) lastStepCost = 2; } else stopEventWalk(); if(!summons.empty()) { std::list::iterator cit; std::list despawnList; for(cit = summons.begin(); cit != summons.end(); ++cit) { const Position pos = (*cit)->getPosition(); if((std::abs(pos.z - newPos.z) > 2) || (std::max(std::abs(( newPos.x) - pos.x), std::abs((newPos.y - 1) - pos.y)) > 30)) despawnList.push_back((*cit)); } for(cit = despawnList.begin(); cit != despawnList.end(); ++cit) g_game.removeCreature((*cit), true); } if(newTile->getZone() != oldTile->getZone()) onChangeZone(getZone()); //update map cache if(isMapLoaded) { if(!teleport && oldPos.z == newPos.z) { Tile* tile = NULL; const Position& myPos = getPosition(); if(oldPos.y > newPos.y) //north { //shift y south for(int32_t y = mapWalkHeight - 1 - 1; y >= 0; --y) memcpy(localMapCache[y + 1], localMapCache[y], sizeof(localMapCache[y])); //update 0 for(int32_t x = -((mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2); x <= ((mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2); ++x) { tile = g_game.getTile(myPos.x + x, myPos.y - ((mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2), myPos.z); updateTileCache(tile, x, -((mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2)); } } else if(oldPos.y < newPos.y) // south { //shift y north for(int32_t y = 0; y <= mapWalkHeight - 1 - 1; ++y) memcpy(localMapCache[y], localMapCache[y + 1], sizeof(localMapCache[y])); //update mapWalkHeight - 1 for(int32_t x = -((mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2); x <= ((mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2); ++x) { tile = g_game.getTile(myPos.x + x, myPos.y + ((mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2), myPos.z); updateTileCache(tile, x, (mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2); } } if(oldPos.x < newPos.x) // east { //shift y west int32_t starty = 0, endy = mapWalkHeight - 1, dy = (oldPos.y - newPos.y); if(dy < 0) endy = endy + dy; else if(dy > 0) starty = starty + dy; for(int32_t y = starty; y <= endy; ++y) { for(int32_t x = 0; x <= mapWalkWidth - 1 - 1; ++x) localMapCache[y][x] = localMapCache[y][x + 1]; } //update mapWalkWidth - 1 for(int32_t y = -((mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2); y <= ((mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2); ++y) { tile = g_game.getTile(myPos.x + ((mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2), myPos.y + y, myPos.z); updateTileCache(tile, (mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2, y); } } else if(oldPos.x > newPos.x) // west { //shift y east int32_t starty = 0, endy = mapWalkHeight - 1, dy = (oldPos.y - newPos.y); if(dy < 0) endy = endy + dy; else if(dy > 0) starty = starty + dy; for(int32_t y = starty; y <= endy; ++y) { for(int32_t x = mapWalkWidth - 1 - 1; x >= 0; --x) localMapCache[y][x + 1] = localMapCache[y][x]; } //update 0 for(int32_t y = -((mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2); y <= ((mapWalkHeight - 1) / 2); ++y) { tile = g_game.getTile(myPos.x - ((mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2), myPos.y + y, myPos.z); updateTileCache(tile, -((mapWalkWidth - 1) / 2), y); } } updateTileCache(oldTile, oldPos); #ifdef __DEBUG__ validateMapCache(); #endif } else updateMapCache(); } } else if(isMapLoaded) { const Position& myPos = getPosition(); if(newPos.z == myPos.z) updateTileCache(newTile, newPos); if(oldPos.z == myPos.z) updateTileCache(oldTile, oldPos); } if(creature == followCreature || (creature == this && followCreature)) { if(hasFollowPath) { isUpdatingPath = true; Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask( boost::bind(&Game::updateCreatureWalk, &g_game, getID()))); } if(newPos.z != oldPos.z || !canSee(followCreature->getPosition())) internalCreatureDisappear(followCreature, false); } if(creature == attackedCreature || (creature == this && attackedCreature)) { if(newPos.z == oldPos.z && canSee(attackedCreature->getPosition())) { if(hasExtraSwing()) //our target is moving lets see if we can get in hit Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask( boost::bind(&Game::checkCreatureAttack, &g_game, getID()))); if(newTile->getZone() != oldTile->getZone()) onAttackedCreatureChangeZone(attackedCreature->getZone()); } else internalCreatureDisappear(attackedCreature, false); } } bool Creature::onDeath() { DeathList deathList = getKillers(); bool deny = false; CreatureEventList prepareDeathEvents = getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_PREPAREDEATH); for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = prepareDeathEvents.begin(); it != prepareDeathEvents.end(); ++it) { if(!(*it)->executePrepareDeath(this, deathList) && !deny) deny = true; } if(deny) return false; int32_t i = 0, size = deathList.size(), limit = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::DEATH_ASSISTS) + 1; if(limit > 0 && size > limit) size = limit; Creature* tmp = NULL; CreatureVector justifyVec; for(DeathList::iterator it = deathList.begin(); it != deathList.end(); ++it, ++i) { if(it->isNameKill()) continue; bool lastHit = it == deathList.begin(); uint32_t flags = KILLFLAG_NONE; if(lastHit) flags |= (uint32_t)KILLFLAG_LASTHIT; if(i < size) { if(it->getKillerCreature()->getPlayer()) tmp = it->getKillerCreature(); else if(it->getKillerCreature()->getPlayerMaster()) tmp = it->getKillerCreature()->getMaster(); } if(tmp) { if(std::find(justifyVec.begin(), justifyVec.end(), tmp) == justifyVec.end()) { flags |= (uint32_t)KILLFLAG_JUSTIFY; justifyVec.push_back(tmp); } tmp = NULL; } if(!it->getKillerCreature()->onKilledCreature(this, flags, (*it)) && lastHit) return false; if(hasBitSet((uint32_t)KILLFLAG_UNJUSTIFIED, flags)) it->setUnjustified(true); } for(CountMap::iterator it = damageMap.begin(); it != damageMap.end(); ++it) { if((tmp = g_game.getCreatureByID(it->first))) tmp->onAttackedCreatureKilled(this); } dropCorpse(deathList); if(master) master->removeSummon(this); return true; } void Creature::dropCorpse(DeathList deathList) { Item* corpse = createCorpse(deathList); if(corpse) corpse->setParent(VirtualCylinder::virtualCylinder); bool deny = false; CreatureEventList deathEvents = getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_DEATH); for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = deathEvents.begin(); it != deathEvents.end(); ++it) { if(!(*it)->executeDeath(this, corpse, deathList) && !deny) deny = true; } if(!corpse) return; corpse->setParent(NULL); if(deny) return; Tile* tile = getTile(); if(!tile) return; Item* splash = NULL; switch(getRace()) { case RACE_VENOM: splash = Item::CreateItem(ITEM_FULLSPLASH, FLUID_GREEN); break; case RACE_BLOOD: splash = Item::CreateItem(ITEM_FULLSPLASH, FLUID_BLOOD); break; default: break; } if(splash) { g_game.internalAddItem(NULL, tile, splash, INDEX_WHEREEVER, FLAG_NOLIMIT); g_game.startDecay(splash); } g_game.internalAddItem(NULL, tile, corpse, INDEX_WHEREEVER, FLAG_NOLIMIT); dropLoot(corpse->getContainer()); g_game.startDecay(corpse); } DeathList Creature::getKillers() { DeathList list; Creature* lhc = NULL; if(!(lhc = g_game.getCreatureByID(lastHitCreature))) list.push_back(DeathEntry(getCombatName(lastDamageSource), 0)); else list.push_back(DeathEntry(lhc, 0)); int32_t requiredTime = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::DEATHLIST_REQUIRED_TIME); int64_t now = OTSYS_TIME(); CountBlock_t cb; for(CountMap::const_iterator it = damageMap.begin(); it != damageMap.end(); ++it) { cb = it->second; if((now - cb.ticks) > requiredTime) continue; Creature* mdc = g_game.getCreatureByID(it->first); if(!mdc || mdc == lhc || (lhc && (mdc->getMaster() == lhc || lhc->getMaster() == mdc))) continue; bool deny = false; for(DeathList::iterator fit = list.begin(); fit != list.end(); ++fit) { if(fit->isNameKill()) continue; Creature* tmp = fit->getKillerCreature(); if(!(mdc->getName() == tmp->getName() && mdc->getMaster() == tmp->getMaster()) && (!mdc->getMaster() || (mdc->getMaster() != tmp && mdc->getMaster() != tmp->getMaster())) && (mdc->getSummonCount() <= 0 || tmp->getMaster() != mdc)) continue; deny = true; break; } if(!deny) list.push_back(DeathEntry(mdc, cb.total)); } if(list.size() > 1) std::sort(list.begin() + 1, list.end(), DeathLessThan()); return list; } bool Creature::hasBeenAttacked(uint32_t attackerId) const { CountMap::const_iterator it = damageMap.find(attackerId); if(it != damageMap.end()) return (OTSYS_TIME() - it->second.ticks) <= g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::PZ_LOCKED); return false; } Item* Creature::createCorpse(DeathList deathList) { return Item::CreateItem(getLookCorpse()); } void Creature::changeHealth(int32_t healthChange) { if(healthChange > 0) health += std::min(healthChange, getMaxHealth() - health); else health = std::max((int32_t)0, health + healthChange); g_game.addCreatureHealth(this); } void Creature::changeMana(int32_t manaChange) { if(manaChange > 0) mana += std::min(manaChange, getMaxMana() - mana); else mana = std::max((int32_t)0, mana + manaChange); } bool Creature::getStorage(const uint32_t key, std::string& value) const { StorageMap::const_iterator it = storageMap.find(key); if(it != storageMap.end()) { value = it->second; return true; } value = "-1"; return false; } bool Creature::setStorage(const uint32_t key, const std::string& value) { storageMap[key] = value; return true; } void Creature::gainHealth(Creature* caster, int32_t healthGain) { if(healthGain > 0) { int32_t prevHealth = getHealth(); changeHealth(healthGain); int32_t effectiveGain = getHealth() - prevHealth; if(caster) caster->onTargetCreatureGainHealth(this, effectiveGain); } else changeHealth(healthGain); } void Creature::drainHealth(Creature* attacker, CombatType_t combatType, int32_t damage) { lastDamageSource = combatType; onAttacked(); changeHealth(-damage); if(attacker) attacker->onAttackedCreatureDrainHealth(this, damage); } void Creature::drainMana(Creature* attacker, CombatType_t combatType, int32_t damage) { lastDamageSource = combatType; onAttacked(); changeMana(-damage); if(attacker) attacker->onAttackedCreatureDrainMana(this, damage); } BlockType_t Creature::blockHit(Creature* attacker, CombatType_t combatType, int32_t& damage, bool checkDefense/* = false*/, bool checkArmor/* = false*/) { BlockType_t blockType = BLOCK_NONE; if(isImmune(combatType)) { damage = 0; blockType = BLOCK_IMMUNITY; } else if(checkDefense || checkArmor) { bool hasDefense = false; if(blockCount > 0) { --blockCount; hasDefense = true; } if(checkDefense && hasDefense) { int32_t maxDefense = getDefense(), minDefense = maxDefense / 2; damage -= random_range(minDefense, maxDefense); if(damage <= 0) { damage = 0; blockType = BLOCK_DEFENSE; checkArmor = false; } } if(checkArmor) { int32_t armorValue = getArmor(), minArmorReduction = 0, maxArmorReduction = 0; if(armorValue > 1) { minArmorReduction = (int32_t)std::ceil(armorValue * 0.475); maxArmorReduction = (int32_t)std::ceil( ((armorValue * 0.475) - 1) + minArmorReduction); } else if(armorValue == 1) { minArmorReduction = 1; maxArmorReduction = 1; } damage -= random_range(minArmorReduction, maxArmorReduction); if(damage <= 0) { damage = 0; blockType = BLOCK_ARMOR; } } if(hasDefense && blockType != BLOCK_NONE) onBlockHit(blockType); } if(attacker) { attacker->onAttackedCreature(this); attacker->onAttackedCreatureBlockHit(this, blockType); } onAttacked(); return blockType; } bool Creature::setAttackedCreature(Creature* creature) { if(creature) { const Position& creaturePos = creature->getPosition(); if(creaturePos.z != getPosition().z) { std::cout << "Creature::setAttackedCreature false " << creaturePos.z << " - " << getPosition().z << std::endl; attackedCreature = NULL; return false; } } attackedCreature = creature; if(attackedCreature) { onAttackedCreature(attackedCreature); attackedCreature->onAttacked(); } for(std::list::iterator cit = summons.begin(); cit != summons.end(); ++cit) (*cit)->setAttackedCreature(creature); return true; } void Creature::getPathSearchParams(const Creature* creature, FindPathParams& fpp) const { fpp.fullPathSearch = !hasFollowPath; fpp.clearSight = true; fpp.maxSearchDist = 12; fpp.minTargetDist = fpp.maxTargetDist = 1; } void Creature::getPathToFollowCreature() { if(followCreature) { FindPathParams fpp; getPathSearchParams(followCreature, fpp); if(g_game.getPathToEx(this, followCreature->getPosition(), listWalkDir, fpp)) { hasFollowPath = true; startAutoWalk(listWalkDir); } else hasFollowPath = false; } onFollowCreatureComplete(followCreature); } bool Creature::setFollowCreature(Creature* creature, bool fullPathSearch /*= false*/) { if(creature) { if(followCreature == creature) return true; const Position& creaturePos = creature->getPosition(); if(creaturePos.z != getPosition().z || !canSee(creaturePos)) { followCreature = NULL; return false; } if(!listWalkDir.empty()) { listWalkDir.clear(); onWalkAborted(); } hasFollowPath = forceUpdateFollowPath = false; followCreature = creature; isUpdatingPath = true; } else { isUpdatingPath = false; followCreature = NULL; } onFollowCreature(creature); return true; } double Creature::getDamageRatio(Creature* attacker) const { double totalDamage = 0, attackerDamage = 0; for(CountMap::const_iterator it = damageMap.begin(); it != damageMap.end(); ++it) { totalDamage += it->second.total; if(it->first == attacker->getID()) attackerDamage += it->second.total; } return attackerDamage / totalDamage; } void Creature::addDamagePoints(Creature* attacker, int32_t damagePoints) { uint32_t attackerId = 0; if(attacker) attackerId = attacker->getID(); CountMap::iterator it = damageMap.find(attackerId); if(it != damageMap.end()) { it->second.ticks = OTSYS_TIME(); if(damagePoints > 0) it->second.total += damagePoints; } else damageMap[attackerId] = CountBlock_t(damagePoints); if(damagePoints > 0) lastHitCreature = attackerId; } void Creature::addHealPoints(Creature* caster, int32_t healthPoints) { if(healthPoints <= 0) return; uint32_t casterId = 0; if(caster) casterId = caster->getID(); CountMap::iterator it = healMap.find(casterId); if(it != healMap.end()) { it->second.ticks = OTSYS_TIME(); it->second.total += healthPoints; } else healMap[casterId] = CountBlock_t(healthPoints); } void Creature::onAddCondition(ConditionType_t type, bool hadCondition) { if(type == CONDITION_INVISIBLE) { if(!hadCondition) g_game.internalCreatureChangeVisible(this, VISIBLE_DISAPPEAR); } else if(type == CONDITION_PARALYZE) { if(hasCondition(CONDITION_HASTE)) removeCondition(CONDITION_HASTE); } else if(type == CONDITION_HASTE) { if(hasCondition(CONDITION_PARALYZE)) removeCondition(CONDITION_PARALYZE); } } void Creature::onEndCondition(ConditionType_t type) { if(type == CONDITION_INVISIBLE && !hasCondition(CONDITION_INVISIBLE, -1, false)) g_game.internalCreatureChangeVisible(this, VISIBLE_APPEAR); } void Creature::onTickCondition(ConditionType_t type, int32_t interval, bool& _remove) { if(const MagicField* field = getTile()->getFieldItem()) { switch(type) { case CONDITION_FIRE: _remove = field->getCombatType() != COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE; break; case CONDITION_ENERGY: _remove = field->getCombatType() != COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE; break; case CONDITION_POISON: _remove = field->getCombatType() != COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE; break; case CONDITION_DROWN: _remove = field->getCombatType() != COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE; break; default: break; } } } void Creature::onCombatRemoveCondition(const Creature* attacker, Condition* condition) { removeCondition(condition); } void Creature::onIdleStatus() { if(getHealth() > 0) { healMap.clear(); damageMap.clear(); } } void Creature::onAttackedCreatureDrainHealth(Creature* target, int32_t points) { onAttackedCreatureDrain(target, points); } void Creature::onAttackedCreatureDrainMana(Creature* target, int32_t points) { onAttackedCreatureDrain(target, points); } void Creature::onAttackedCreatureDrain(Creature* target, int32_t points) { target->addDamagePoints(this, points); } void Creature::onTargetCreatureGainHealth(Creature* target, int32_t points) { target->addHealPoints(this, points); } void Creature::onAttackedCreatureKilled(Creature* target) { if(target == this) return; double gainExp = target->getGainedExperience(this); onGainExperience(gainExp, !target->getPlayer(), false); } bool Creature::onKilledCreature(Creature* target, uint32_t& flags, DeathEntry& entry) { bool ret = true; if(master) ret = master->onKilledCreature(target, flags, entry); CreatureEventList killEvents = getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_KILL); if(!hasBitSet((uint32_t)KILLFLAG_LASTHIT, flags)) { for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = killEvents.begin(); it != killEvents.end(); ++it) (*it)->executeKill(this, target, false); return true; } for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = killEvents.begin(); it != killEvents.end(); ++it) { if(!(*it)->executeKill(this, target, true) && ret) ret = false; } return ret; } void Creature::onGainExperience(double& gainExp, bool fromMonster, bool multiplied) { if(gainExp <= 0) return; if(master) { gainExp = gainExp / 2; master->onGainExperience(gainExp, fromMonster, multiplied); } else if(!multiplied) gainExp *= g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::RATE_EXPERIENCE); int16_t color = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::EXPERIENCE_COLOR); if(color < 0) color = random_range(0, 255); std::stringstream ss; ss << (uint64_t)gainExp; g_game.addAnimatedText(getPosition(), (uint8_t)color, ss.str()); } void Creature::onGainSharedExperience(double& gainExp, bool fromMonster, bool multiplied) { if(gainExp <= 0) return; if(master) { gainExp = gainExp / 2; master->onGainSharedExperience(gainExp, fromMonster, multiplied); } else if(!multiplied) gainExp *= g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::RATE_EXPERIENCE); int16_t color = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::EXPERIENCE_COLOR); if(color < 0) color = random_range(0, 255); std::stringstream ss; ss << (uint64_t)gainExp; g_game.addAnimatedText(getPosition(), (uint8_t)color, ss.str()); } void Creature::addSummon(Creature* creature) { creature->setDropLoot(LOOT_DROP_NONE); creature->setLossSkill(false); creature->setMaster(this); creature->addRef(); summons.push_back(creature); } void Creature::removeSummon(const Creature* creature) { std::list::iterator it = std::find(summons.begin(), summons.end(), creature); if(it == summons.end()) return; (*it)->setMaster(NULL); (*it)->unRef(); summons.erase(it); } void Creature::destroySummons() { for(std::list::iterator it = summons.begin(); it != summons.end(); ++it) { (*it)->setAttackedCreature(NULL); (*it)->changeHealth(-(*it)->getHealth()); (*it)->setMaster(NULL); (*it)->unRef(); } summons.clear(); } bool Creature::addCondition(Condition* condition) { if(!condition) return false; bool hadCondition = hasCondition(condition->getType(), -1, false); if(Condition* previous = getCondition(condition->getType(), condition->getId(), condition->getSubId())) { previous->addCondition(this, condition); delete condition; return true; } if(condition->startCondition(this)) { conditions.push_back(condition); onAddCondition(condition->getType(), hadCondition); return true; } delete condition; return false; } bool Creature::addCombatCondition(Condition* condition) { bool hadCondition = hasCondition(condition->getType(), -1, false); //Caution: condition variable could be deleted after the call to addCondition ConditionType_t type = condition->getType(); if(!addCondition(condition)) return false; onAddCombatCondition(type, hadCondition); return true; } void Creature::removeCondition(ConditionType_t type) { for(ConditionList::iterator it = conditions.begin(); it != conditions.end();) { if((*it)->getType() != type) { ++it; continue; } Condition* condition = *it; it = conditions.erase(it); condition->endCondition(this, CONDITIONEND_ABORT); onEndCondition(condition->getType()); delete condition; } } void Creature::removeCondition(ConditionType_t type, ConditionId_t id) { for(ConditionList::iterator it = conditions.begin(); it != conditions.end();) { if((*it)->getType() != type || (*it)->getId() != id) { ++it; continue; } Condition* condition = *it; it = conditions.erase(it); condition->endCondition(this, CONDITIONEND_ABORT); onEndCondition(condition->getType()); delete condition; } } void Creature::removeCondition(Condition* condition) { ConditionList::iterator it = std::find(conditions.begin(), conditions.end(), condition); if(it != conditions.end()) { Condition* condition = *it; it = conditions.erase(it); condition->endCondition(this, CONDITIONEND_ABORT); onEndCondition(condition->getType()); delete condition; } } void Creature::removeCondition(const Creature* attacker, ConditionType_t type) { ConditionList tmpList = conditions; for(ConditionList::iterator it = tmpList.begin(); it != tmpList.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->getType() == type) onCombatRemoveCondition(attacker, *it); } } void Creature::removeConditions(ConditionEnd_t reason, bool onlyPersistent/* = true*/) { for(ConditionList::iterator it = conditions.begin(); it != conditions.end();) { if(onlyPersistent && !(*it)->isPersistent()) { ++it; continue; } Condition* condition = *it; it = conditions.erase(it); condition->endCondition(this, reason); onEndCondition(condition->getType()); delete condition; } } Condition* Creature::getCondition(ConditionType_t type, ConditionId_t id, uint32_t subId/* = 0*/) const { for(ConditionList::const_iterator it = conditions.begin(); it != conditions.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->getType() == type && (*it)->getId() == id && (*it)->getSubId() == subId) return *it; } return NULL; } void Creature::executeConditions(uint32_t interval) { for(ConditionList::iterator it = conditions.begin(); it != conditions.end();) { if((*it)->executeCondition(this, interval)) { ++it; continue; } Condition* condition = *it; it = conditions.erase(it); condition->endCondition(this, CONDITIONEND_TICKS); onEndCondition(condition->getType()); delete condition; } } bool Creature::hasCondition(ConditionType_t type, int32_t subId/* = 0*/, bool checkTime/* = true*/) const { if(isSuppress(type)) return false; for(ConditionList::const_iterator it = conditions.begin(); it != conditions.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->getType() != type || (subId != -1 && (*it)->getSubId() != (uint32_t)subId)) continue; if(!checkTime || g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::OLD_CONDITION_ACCURACY) || !(*it)->getEndTime() || (*it)->getEndTime() >= OTSYS_TIME()) return true; } return false; } bool Creature::isImmune(CombatType_t type) const { return ((getDamageImmunities() & (uint32_t)type) == (uint32_t)type); } bool Creature::isImmune(ConditionType_t type) const { return ((getConditionImmunities() & (uint32_t)type) == (uint32_t)type); } bool Creature::isSuppress(ConditionType_t type) const { return ((getConditionSuppressions() & (uint32_t)type) == (uint32_t)type); } std::string Creature::getDescription(int32_t lookDistance) const { return "a creature"; } int32_t Creature::getStepDuration(Direction dir) const { if(dir == NORTHWEST || dir == NORTHEAST || dir == SOUTHWEST || dir == SOUTHEAST) return getStepDuration() * 2; return getStepDuration(); } int32_t Creature::getStepDuration() const { if(removed) return 0; uint32_t stepSpeed = getStepSpeed(); if(!stepSpeed) return 0; const Tile* tile = getTile(); if(!tile || !tile->ground) return 0; return ((1000 * Item::items[tile->ground->getID()].speed) / stepSpeed) * lastStepCost; } int64_t Creature::getEventStepTicks() const { int64_t ret = getWalkDelay(); if(ret > 0) return ret; return getStepDuration(); } void Creature::getCreatureLight(LightInfo& light) const { light = internalLight; } void Creature::setNormalCreatureLight() { internalLight.level = internalLight.color = 0; } bool Creature::registerCreatureEvent(const std::string& name) { CreatureEvent* event = g_creatureEvents->getEventByName(name); if(!event) //check for existance return false; for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = eventsList.begin(); it != eventsList.end(); ++it) { if((*it) == event) //do not allow registration of same event more than once return false; } if(!hasEventRegistered(event->getEventType())) //there's no such type registered yet, so set the bit in the bitfield scriptEventsBitField |= ((uint32_t)1 << event->getEventType()); eventsList.push_back(event); return true; } CreatureEventList Creature::getCreatureEvents(CreatureEventType_t type) { CreatureEventList retList; if(!hasEventRegistered(type)) return retList; for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = eventsList.begin(); it != eventsList.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->getEventType() == type) retList.push_back(*it); } return retList; } FrozenPathingConditionCall::FrozenPathingConditionCall(const Position& _targetPos) { targetPos = _targetPos; } bool FrozenPathingConditionCall::isInRange(const Position& startPos, const Position& testPos, const FindPathParams& fpp) const { int32_t dxMin = ((fpp.fullPathSearch || (startPos.x - targetPos.x) <= 0) ? fpp.maxTargetDist : 0), dxMax = ((fpp.fullPathSearch || (startPos.x - targetPos.x) >= 0) ? fpp.maxTargetDist : 0), dyMin = ((fpp.fullPathSearch || (startPos.y - targetPos.y) <= 0) ? fpp.maxTargetDist : 0), dyMax = ((fpp.fullPathSearch || (startPos.y - targetPos.y) >= 0) ? fpp.maxTargetDist : 0); if(testPos.x > targetPos.x + dxMax || testPos.x < targetPos.x - dxMin) return false; if(testPos.y > targetPos.y + dyMax || testPos.y < targetPos.y - dyMin) return false; return true; } bool FrozenPathingConditionCall::operator()(const Position& startPos, const Position& testPos, const FindPathParams& fpp, int32_t& bestMatchDist) const { if(!isInRange(startPos, testPos, fpp)) return false; if(fpp.clearSight && !g_game.isSightClear(testPos, targetPos, true)) return false; int32_t testDist = std::max(std::abs(targetPos.x - testPos.x), std::abs(targetPos.y - testPos.y)); if(fpp.maxTargetDist == 1) return (testDist >= fpp.minTargetDist && testDist <= fpp.maxTargetDist); if(testDist <= fpp.maxTargetDist) { if(testDist < fpp.minTargetDist) return false; if(testDist == fpp.maxTargetDist) { bestMatchDist = 0; return true; } else if(testDist > bestMatchDist) { //not quite what we want, but the best so far bestMatchDist = testDist; return true; } } return false; }